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In this episode…

Unfortunately, sexuality and shame frequently go hand-in-hand, and religion’s messages about sex may be partially to blame. Even if you aren’t religious, you can still be affected by the messages that have seeped into society — such as the ideas that masturbation is bad or pleasure is wrong. So, how can you overcome these problematic frameworks and rewire your relationship to sex?

As a Sexual-Spiritual Advisor, Melissa Hite helps her clients reframe their sexual response cycles and embrace their natural sexuality. As she says, you can’t suppress sexual energy; it’s a part of who you are. But, religious messages can cause this energy to become distorted and lead to harmful feelings like shame. Fortunately, Melissa has some strategies for rewiring the beliefs and patterns that are causing you harm.

In this episode of Your Secret is Safe With Me, Dr. Marie Murphy talks with Melissa Hite, the Founder and Sexual-Spiritual Advisor at Higher Sex Education, about the intersection of religion, sexuality, shame, and healing. Melissa explains the complicated problems that can arise from religious messages about sex and shares her tips for reframing your beliefs and embracing your natural sexuality. Plus, Melissa discusses her 12-week course about mastering boundaries. Stay tuned!


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